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Some random issues...

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Some random issues... Empty Some random issues...

Post by Aircrew Sat 11 Jan - 23:37

First of all, nice and interesting game! Looking forward to a full release since I've already saw a "This is just the beginning... Thanks for Playing!" message about a ten times already  Very Happy 
Next is just my two cents:
1. No indicator if you've drilled/explored/landed the planet. Sometime being on the planet and switching to other app I am forgetting about this fact  Smile
2. After I've received new technology - I can't view it requirements. Why? Because my ship is small and my cargo is full and everything inside the cargo is pretty important just to drop it - so there is no way I can open the technology list.
3. Last one is just a messy text on the button:
Some random issues... Screen11

P.S. I will try to add more if I find anything else not mentioned on this forum.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-01-11

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Some random issues... Empty Re: Some random issues...

Post by MichaelP Mon 13 Jan - 9:07

Thanks for reporting.
We're going to add a "blueprints" button in the ship management screen.


Posts : 212
Join date : 2014-01-07

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