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few things

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few things Empty few things

Post by jpk Sun 12 Jan - 13:08


A few things I noticed:

- oversized text in french (forgot the exact text, will write it donne next time). No issue in english so far.

- after using life seed, i landed on the planet and no buttons were avalaible (land, drill, only the ship button) forcing me to give up the run.

- when drilling close to 0 fuel: I was able to drill to max fuel, but not to decrease any more, forcing me to "cancel" the drill and to do it again (till fuel max-1 it seems possible to decrease).

That's all for now.

Of course I love your game and I'm looking forward to see everything you'll add to this wonderful beta!

Jpk (un voisin de Grenoble)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-01-12

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few things Empty Re: few things

Post by MichaelP Mon 13 Jan - 9:06

Thanks for reporting!
Life Seed and Drilling to 0 has been fixed and will be in the next beta build.


Posts : 212
Join date : 2014-01-07

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