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English translation errors and/or typos thread.

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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by guska Wed 8 Jan - 1:40

So it may be minor, but I've noticed a couple of spelling and grammatical errors. Since mi-close is a French developer, I thought I'd start a thread to politely highlight some of the few mistakes made. After all, this is beta, and these things are easily overlooked

The only one I have a screen shot of is in the window informing me of a nitrogen leak.

"IF I have any ennemies"

Should be "enemies"

English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Screen10


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by MichaelP Wed 8 Jan - 9:34

guska wrote:So it may be minor, but I've noticed a couple of spelling and grammatical errors. Since mi-close is a French developer, I thought I'd start a thread to politely highlight some of the few mistakes made. After all, this is beta, and these things are easily overlooked

The only one I have a screen shot of is in the window informing me of a nitrogen leak.

"IF I have any ennemies"

Should be "enemies"

English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Screen10

Excellent idea!


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by Goransi Thu 9 Jan - 18:35

Upon reaching a desolate planet the message states "...but not it is dead". Should be "...but now it is dead".


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by HalfDayDeemo Fri 10 Jan - 9:17

I second Goransi on the 'not/now' issue and have screen shot if it would be useful.

Also, is it just me or is the lower case 'f' just a duplicate of the uppercase 'F'? It makes some of the words seem...odd to me but i'm not sure if it was a stylistic choice.


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by MichaelP Fri 10 Jan - 15:51

About the 'f', this is how the lower case is in the font we are using.
It does not shocks me personally.
We'll see if more people report on it.


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by HalfDayDeemo Fri 17 Jan - 9:23

@MichaelP: I noticed one person on the Reddit AMA that pointed it out but apart from that people don't seem that bothered. Very Happy

I got another one for you, had a section where I was asked if I wanted to jump aboard a radioactive space station. I choose the positive option and was presented with the line "Though decision... I decided to go anyway." So just need to remove the 'h' from that first word as I believe it should read "Tough decision...".


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by MichaelP Fri 17 Jan - 9:32

@HalfDayDeemo Thanks for reporting!


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by alephcentauri Sat 18 Jan - 21:25

Lots of typos to report!

https://imgur.com/4Fg2oju - "analize" should either be "analyze" or "analyse", depending on if American English or British English should be used. I saw "analyse" somewhere else in the game so my bet is British English.

https://imgur.com/5O5ZD2I - "with still my space suit on" should be "with my space suit still on".

https://imgur.com/oJWxPGF - "artefact" should be "artifact". Actually, the entire sentence is kind of awkward. Using hyphens instead of commas might be helpful: "A massive artifact fills all the visible space around and eclipses the starfield: geometrical, smooth - the work of an alien race of unmeasurable powers and obscure intentions - dotted with countless large openings that seem to be silently waiting for me." Note the use of "dotted" rather than "spotted". "Spotted" makes it sound like the artifact is decorated with polka-dots, whereas "dotted" makes it sound like there are inclusions/openings into the otherwise-perfect structure.

https://imgur.com/nvHQMAv - "I am no more in space" should be "I am no longer in space".

https://imgur.com/6iL4Z4r- "When space folds and my ship accelerates to c velocity" - I think "c velocity" ought to be replaced with "light speed", since "c velocity" won't make a whole lot of sense to the public at large.

https://imgur.com/GskwvjG - "I find a structure holding several statues. Besides, there's a pile of components." "Besides" ought to be "Besides it" (if referring to the structure) or "Besides them" (if referring to the statues).

https://imgur.com/mhweP4L - "I filled completely my tanks!" should be "I completely filled my tanks!" or "I filled my tanks completely!"

Hope this helps!


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by MichaelP Sat 18 Jan - 21:59

Thanks strictlyrude for reporting those typos!
We're working on it!


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by guska Sat 18 Jan - 23:39

strictlyrude27 wrote:
https://imgur.com/GskwvjG - "I find a structure holding several statues. Besides, there's a pile of components." "Besides" ought to be "Besides it" (if referring to the structure) or "Besides them" (if referring to the statues).
I agree with everything except this. To me, "Besides it" doesn't read well. The sentence as a whole seems to me to mean that the pile of components is laying next to the statues, so should be "Beside them" (if the pile is next to them) or "Besides them" (if the pile is just also present)

Great work though, a few of those were on my list to report, but I just hadn't gotten to it yet.


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by Ghostifish Sun 2 Feb - 16:11

Found a repeated typo in the tutorial (Beta 2).. "Silicium" and "(Sc)" should be silicon and (Si) respectively, as it is in the rest of the english game menus.

"The space folder requires Silicium (Sc) to be built, and I don't have any here.."
"I think I can dismantle the cyronics module to gather some Silicium...."
"Dismantle the cryonics module to scavenge 1 ton of Silicium from it"
"The Silicium has been placed in a free slot."


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English translation errors and/or typos thread.  Empty Re: English translation errors and/or typos thread.

Post by True_poser Tue 18 Feb - 4:29

If you damage a probe, the message ends with "drilling that deep may be hazardous".


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