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Alien gift

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Alien gift Empty Alien gift

Post by Mars Fri 17 Jan - 23:18

When the aliens give you an Omega element and you have no slots open it just disappears. It should let you trash something if you want the Omega. Otherwise we always have to have a slot open (if we don't have Omega yet) when landing on a garden planet. Kinda harsh early game when every cargo slot matters.

Also, in the end screen, the ships used counts every time you switch ships, not the actual number of ships you were aboard. If you keep switching ships back and forth, you could get that number pretty high.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-01-09

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Alien gift Empty Re: Alien gift

Post by MichaelP Sat 18 Jan - 17:34

Thanks for reporting.
Ship switching exploit has been fixed.


Posts : 212
Join date : 2014-01-07

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