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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by HalfDayDeemo Sat 18 Jan - 12:18

I was allowed to take two 'risk everything' actions while jumping to a star with low fuel. Here is what haplened;

1. Jumped to a star leaving me with 3 fuel.
2. No gas planets in that system so had no choice but to try another star and hope for an event that gave fuel.
3. Selected next star, 12 fuel required, and it asked if I wanted to risk everything and I said yes.
4. Jumped to next star, had a story note about coloured clouds in space. The event damaged my drill. Fuel still read 3. (Game should have ended here after using all my fuel.)
5. Noticed there was a gas planet on the system, so tried to travel to it. Was asked to risk everything again and said yes.
6. The game then ended saying I had no fuel left.

Could others please see I'd they can replicate a similar situation?


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by MichaelP Sat 18 Jan - 17:36

This is intended.
You have been very, VERY lucky Smile


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by HalfDayDeemo Sat 18 Jan - 19:02

Ah ok no problem. Was actually a bit miffed I couldn't have probed that last planet, but i suppose that I would have had any fuel left anyway.

So risk everything actions have a low chance to be 'free'?


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by MichaelP Sat 18 Jan - 21:10

Desperate action grants you a free move when you are too short on resources. But if failed, you lose.


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by HalfDayDeemo Sat 18 Jan - 21:49

Oh I see cool...but if that's the case why did the 2nd 'risk' use my fuel but the first one didn't? Your response implied that I actually passed the two risks but then failed because of 0 fuel.


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by MichaelP Sat 18 Jan - 21:58

You failed the 2nd attempt so it consumed your fuel and you died.
Invisible rule : Each time you succeed a 'desperate action', the next one will have less probability to succeed.
So it's impossible to succeed indefinitely.


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by guska Sat 18 Jan - 23:47

Interesting. That makes the last chance thing make a lot more sense. Maybe, however, the first last chance odds should be improved, as I've played a LOT of run throughs (4-5 per day on average) and every time I've used the last chance, it's apparently failed. There's no indication that it's not just a "well, you failed" message, which is what I'd come to see it as.


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by True_poser Tue 18 Feb - 4:21

MichaelP wrote:Desperate action grants you a free move when you are too short on resources. But if failed, you lose.

Is a desperate action meant to pop up if you're critically low on resources (like, 15 fuel), but still can do it (12 fuel to a fuel resupply station)?

And, I'm sorry, it's completely offtopic, but is the second desperate action less probable if you do it not in consequence with the first (i.e. got into new trouble five jumps since the first one)?


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by MichaelP Tue 18 Feb - 11:27

It pops up if you want to do an action but too short of one of the resource required (fuel and oxygen mostly).

Last edited by MichaelP on Tue 18 Feb - 12:51; edited 2 times in total


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

Post by True_poser Tue 18 Feb - 12:26

Thank you.
When I'll find reliable steps for reproducing this issue, I'll post it in a separate topic then.


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Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.  Empty Re: Bug: Was allowed to 'risk everything' twice.

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