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UI feedback

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UI feedback Empty UI feedback

Post by JimeoWan Thu 9 Jan - 10:34


Here's a few cheap suggestions for improving the UI:

* When in a repair station - the place with a giant bright cube -, it took me a while to understand how it worked, since touching the cube gives little feedback (and not at all if the ship is already fully repaired). I suggest to add a RP dialog to make things more clear (e.g. "When I approached the cube, it suddenly glowed brightly. Its aura somehow managed to repair my ship!").

* When viewing the cargo of an abandoned ship:
- The cargo icons are a bit small for a mobile screen, it's uncomfortable to move items from a ship to another
- "Move all" arrows would be useful, as usually, either you empty the abandoned ship, or you move out to it

* When drilling/searching for energy, the "+" "-" buttons feel inappropriate for mobiles: they are a bit too small, and intuitively I would have prefered to directly ajust the "depth bar" by touching or dragging it.

Otherwise I find the UI and overall graphics pretty nice, good job!


Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-01-09

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UI feedback Empty Re: UI feedback

Post by MichaelP Fri 10 Jan - 9:14

We're working on those issues Smile


Posts : 212
Join date : 2014-01-07

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UI feedback Empty Re: UI feedback

Post by guska Fri 10 Jan - 16:57

I personally don't find the UI hard to use on my S3, but I can see how some people would, particularly if they have a smaller device.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2014-01-08

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