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How resource intensive is the game?

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How resource intensive is the game? Empty How resource intensive is the game?

Post by Nyarlathotep Tue 22 Apr - 6:50

Hello! I just recently discovered Out There in an online review, and will definitely be purchasing it (for Android). I've always been heavily into space themed RPG/RTS games like Privateer, Starcraft, Sins of a Solar Empire, Freelancer, Freespace, X3, X4, System Shock 2, etc., so it's great to see a good quality space adventure game for Android (my favorite thus far has been Star Traders Elite).

Anyway...my question: I have a choice of tablets (with varying levels of horsepower) to play on, so I was wondering how resource 'intensive' the game is? I don't see any hardware specs suggestions over at Play, so I'd be very interested in hearing some players weigh in with their experience playing on it on different phones or tablets. For example... minimum/optimum screen size? How demanding on CPU(s)? Memory usage? Does it sip or guzzle battery?

I just want to make sure I maximize my playing experience.  Very Happy

Thanks in advance for any responses.


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Join date : 2014-04-22

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