End of a beta game
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End of a beta game
If possible, you may end the beta game by the same score screen as when a player die, to enable any needed checking (as checking if I had the telescope for a scrolling bug) if the player didn't think to do it before the forced end.
It may constitute a sort of game too. Trying to make the best score during this short amount of turns XD
About it, can we have some details about this score calculation ????
It may constitute a sort of game too. Trying to make the best score during this short amount of turns XD
About it, can we have some details about this score calculation ????
Last edited by Esdeve on Wed 4 Mar - 13:10; edited 1 time in total
Esdeve- Posts : 82
Join date : 2015-03-01
Re: End of a beta game
Hi Esdeve,
beta will end soon and you will able to play the full game.
You'll can share your score on twitter.
The score calculation is a well kept secret, but you can reverse-engineered it
All I can say is that every game mechanics are used in the score calculation.
beta will end soon and you will able to play the full game.
You'll can share your score on twitter.
The score calculation is a well kept secret, but you can reverse-engineered it
All I can say is that every game mechanics are used in the score calculation.
geff- Posts : 68
Join date : 2015-01-19
Re: End of a beta game
Ok. As said elsewhere, beta duration may effectively explain the nature of the beta.
About score calculation secret.
With code, I don't know, but through gaming, well, of course, I assume its marks are "reverse-engineerable", and are determined by things like :
-Number of turns/distance traveled/resources consumed for.
-The ship possessed/number already discovered.
-Techs known/installed.
-Number of stars/planets visited, their nature, resources exploited.
-Same for event/alien encounters/language known/diallogs successful
-Etc etc etc ...
But while I'm sometime able to play/write here a little while waiting for some virtual or co-worker tasks to end, I think I won't find the time to lose the game efficiently and an enough number of time to find them. To complicated to think while doing something else, and too complicated if not in a row.
So it won't be known for me ... Unless ... Is it SURE ALL game content aspects are used ? Would you at least reveal if some things are not used ?
About score calculation secret.
With code, I don't know, but through gaming, well, of course, I assume its marks are "reverse-engineerable", and are determined by things like :
-Number of turns/distance traveled/resources consumed for.
-The ship possessed/number already discovered.
-Techs known/installed.
-Number of stars/planets visited, their nature, resources exploited.
-Same for event/alien encounters/language known/diallogs successful
-Etc etc etc ...
But while I'm sometime able to play/write here a little while waiting for some virtual or co-worker tasks to end, I think I won't find the time to lose the game efficiently and an enough number of time to find them. To complicated to think while doing something else, and too complicated if not in a row.
So it won't be known for me ... Unless ... Is it SURE ALL game content aspects are used ? Would you at least reveal if some things are not used ?
Esdeve- Posts : 82
Join date : 2015-03-01
Re: End of a beta game
Hi Esdeve,
you're on the good way.
There are still twice parameters to take into account.
you're on the good way.
There are still twice parameters to take into account.
geff- Posts : 68
Join date : 2015-01-19
Re: End of a beta game
I won't do the work completely but tested. The result is I think some of what I precisely said aren't used. We'll see.
Esdeve- Posts : 82
Join date : 2015-03-01
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